Being an escort: Veronica’s insight
Wow, I have received so many emails asking me how to be a female escort or be a sensual massage therapist! This not only drives me bat-shit crazy, it also tells me that the writers of these emails can’t even read a website. They most likely won’t be reading this humor blog either. The website is about being an escort , but I’m just a one-girl show. I’m not hiring, I’m teaching you how to be a female escort. Until my business really takes off, potential female escorts will have to visit another escort business. Keep in mind that escort businesses receive a good deal of applications, so don’t be offended if you don’t hear back from one that you’ve applied to. I’m sure your pussy is something very special, but don’t just send potential employers a picture of one, or you’ll run the risk of freaking out the Madam. She doesn’t have that kind of a sense of humor.
If you are having trouble being gainfully employed as a female escort, you could consider starting your own escort business. Yes, that’s right – you could start your own business being a gigi. Remember, this will require you to have capital, imagination and patience. Plus, this is a very risky job, you need to know how to follow directions. Stick with me, and I can show you how to run your own independent escort business.
Here is a sample of some of the emails I received:
“Hey Veronica, I am very sexy with a six pack and a big breasts.” That’s just super. I’m sure your mum is very proud of you. Men who are in their late 30s with master’s degrees would take delight in ripping your soul apart.
“Hello, Getting paid to have sex with men? This is easy money!” Well, most anyone of the female species can mate and procreate. However, can you be interesting enough to entertain a woman and maker her feel special without pleasing too much of your own ego?
“Hi Veronica, You are full of shit!” Yes, I am totally full of shit. You think so? Take a look around my website and look at the high-quality photos. Why would I put so much effort into this business for five years with no return on my investment?
Please read this before you send me silly emails.
Peace out,