What will ruins the Girlfriend experience
This article posted by a regular customer of Asian fantasy, I’d like to post it here and share with all our escort ladies and customers and readers. We are not perfect, but we are improving, improve by learning from the experience: good experience and bad experience…learning from our own mistakes as well as other agencies and companies’ lessons… We care about what customer feel and think. Please read on: What will ruins the experience with escort…
What will ruins the experience with escort…
As with Top Escort book’s blog “Tips: HOW YOU CAN HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH AN ESCORT“, what constitutes a bad meeting is a very personal matter for every Punter and Escort. One person’s pleasure is most definitely another person’s poison.
However, I imagine there are a few constants which hold true for the majority. Therefore, in this blog, I shall list a few examples of experiences I have had, or others have told me about, which have not led to a great meeting.
Passion killers!
Examples of the kind of things which have killed a meeting include:
- An instant turn-off for me personally is an Escort (or anyone in any walk of life come to think about it!) with either a judgemental personality, an attitude problem or who is very self-opinionated.
Equally, I detest an ignorant or arrogant persona. - A critical or confrontational lady makes one’s presence feel totally unwelcome
- In a meeting, I find it most galling if an Escort is clearly disinterested in me and I am just a wad of cash to her
- Likewise, one who fails to give me her full attention makes me feel this is not going to be a date to remember
- Clock watching is a real bug bear of many, as it makes the whole encounter seem very sterile and like one is not welcome. Subtle time wasting by two ladies I saw was so refined it was almost a skill some continental Prima Dona footballers would have been impressed by!
- I really dislike feeling any lack of appreciation for either my visit or the effort I have put into it
- An overly loquacious companion, who fails to form a good balance between being sociable and not allowing enough fun time makes one feel she is after the money without making any effort.
- Conversely, a taciturn lady who is hard work to break the ice with makes a meeting very strained as it is hard to form any connection
- When, despite my best attempts, it is impossible to form any real connection, a meeting will always be a one-off!
- A lady who is clearly faking it ruins the experience
- Someone who is too set in a routine of how she does things means there is no spontaneity
- On a couple of occasions I have encountered Escorts who have been overly examining as to why I wish to be a Punter, critical of whom I see and how much I spend. I find this to be a very peculiar way of “looking after” a client! I have no problem with a lady asking why I do it, but I detest being interrogated.
- Any Escort who does not give due courtesy or consideration to me as a client instantly loses my patronage
- I have had several meetings where a lady is constantly leaving the room and generally wasting time. This really destroys the flow and makes me feel total unwanted
- Dirty, cluttered or unpleasant surroundings do not form a conducive environment for a pleasurable experience
- One such extreme, which I have encountered a few times and I know other Punters who detest it with a similar passion, is to see the bin overflowing with used condoms and other similar paraphernalia, sometimes several days’ worth is a real turn-off and makes one feel like a small part of a conveyor belt!
- We all desire discretion, so an indiscreet entrance, or an Escort who talks too freely about her other clients, or asks too many very personal questions instantly turns me off
These are just a few examples, I am sure there are many other things one could add. Equally, I am aware as this has mostly been given from a Punter’s standpoint, there will be many factors ladies could give of things Punters regularly do, which will kill a meeting for them as any meaningful encounter.
It is often difficult for a Punter to be totally clear where some of the above are intentional and are a deliberate attempt to abuse either the Punter directly, or one’s time. Some though are more blatant!
One meeting I had early on through an agency, I had a lady tell me she did not like the men she saw, she hated being an Escort and even swore at me and derided me in her mother tongue. Unfortunately for her at least, I speak some of her language and I understood quite clearly what she had said. A simple sentence in her native tongue soon put an end to her shenanigans, but this meeting was a failure from then on. What is particularly sad is she is still working as an Escort in London, for several agencies, some two and a half years later! I know she has left London and returned several times in the interim, so there must be something which continually draws her back and to the profession! Oh, I wonder if I can guess what?!
It is such a shame there are people in every profession whose heart is not in it and their indifference is reflected in the standard of service they offer. It is easy then, for anyone who encounters such an individual to dismiss it as being a pervasive attitude in the company or industry, even though this is quite erroneous.
When meeting, there are many factors which can either make or break an encounter. When things do not click, which is down to both parties, one can simply accept not all relationships work. However, when it is either a blatant disregard for the Punter, or an insidious attempt to waste time and not engage fully, it is difficult not to be resentful when one has paid hard-earned cash to be treated like this.
If someone does not enjoy the job and does it just for the money, making no effort at all, to us Punters it feels like a form of dishonesty. Of course, such people are a minority, but the whole Punting experience is quickly soured by a few of these encounters. All I would implore all Punters to realise is not all Escorts are like this! Quite the opposite is actually true. The vast majority are charming and most professional. Do not let a few bad “apples” sour it for you. Look at the lessons you can learn, maybe by doing better research into whom you see and I am sure you will soon have some great experiences with some amazing ladies!