Leave Marks after Date an Escort?
Should we leave marks on each other’s body when dating an escort? hmmmm….
You left your mark on me
And I want it tattooed there
In permanent ink
Where my blood vessels burst
At the touch of your lips.
I want to remember
For always and ever
That it was you
Who graced me with a love
So tender and exciting
That left my skin
Tingling and craving more;
Bruised by a kiss so intense
How beautiful it would be
To have your lips
Always upon my neck.
I am sure plenty ladies and gents enjoy a vigorous workout (together!) doing the horizontal tango, to coin a phrase, and there is nothing wrong with that. I know I enjoy a passionate session which takes on a life of its own.
However, can things have unforeseen consequences? What do I mean here? Of course there are many potential “unforeseen consequences”, but in this post I wish to look at the possibility of inadvertently causing marks on either party’s body, which then may lead to potential problems in each other’s personal life.
One Punter emailed me to say how during a session with a lady he knew well, during her moment of ecstasy, on this occasion, she inadvertently dug her nails into his shoulder causing quite a scratch.
So as not to sour the meeting, he did not say anything, but he was anxious how it might play out with his partner. As it happened, he was able to hide it and it was not an issue. However, it was a warning and freaked him out a bit. In his email, “Punter J” said it did not influence his decision whether to see the lady again or not, but it did make him rather concerned for the next time.
Marks can be caused by a number of means, such as the scratches I have already mentioned, or from jewellery, but they can equally be deliberately created, from playful slaps or harder, lipstick or even bites.
I did see one cute lady who, as I got to know her better, tried to give me a love bite on a couple of occasions! The thought of going into work the following day looking like an amorous teenager made me very uncomfortable! The thought of the ribbing and probing questioning I would face meant I had to raise it with her. She did not even realise she had been doing it, although I am not quite sure how one could keep doing it without being aware!
Another weird moment I had, which was a warning I have blogged about before. In short, when I gave a very bronzed sexy girl a mutual erotic massage, the oil caused some of her fake tan to lift and my hands were orange for a few days! Fortunately this was a weekend booking and the worst came off by Monday, but it could have caused a few questions in the office about the veracity of my normal tan.
During another meeting, now, I do admit this was my fault, a lady gave me a massive bruise on my thigh with one of her high heels, as I tickled her! I said it was my fault ok?! I did know her well, so I felt she deserved it and in return, on reflection, so did I!!!
Marks can cause problems for ladies too. Not all ladies who are in a relationship are able to be open about their profession, for obvious reasons. Some guys are perfectly at ease with their partners’ profession and more power to them, I say. However, some gents would not understand or tolerate it. As this is of no business of the Punter, before any activity which may cause any marks on a lady, even if it is just a playful slap, for heaven’s sake, please ask the lady!
Quite simply, this issue is nothing more than a basic etiquette and courtesy matter. As with all such similar cases, a little forethought and mutual consideration can avoid any potential problems between parties and any unnecessary consequences for either party.